Re: Problem in SSL

From: Sang Shin <>
Date: Wed, 01 Jan 2003 09:47:16 -0500

Take a look at "Helpful hints" section under


Its Capricon wrote:

>hi all,
>i m trying to use SSL in jax-rpc, i m using a simple hello application,
>i have deployed successfully this hello application on tomcat.
>and i verfied it through URL https://localhost:8443/
>it is working fine.
>i have generated keysote files and cer files.
>but when i m running my simple java client it is giving an exception like
>java.rmi.RemoteException:nested exception is name is
>worng , it should be <localhost>.......
>but i m setting my service endpoint like https://localhost:8443/hello/Helloservice?WSDL in stub.
>is there something that i m missing. can anybody help me out.

Sang Shin             
Strategic Market Development    (781) 442-0531(Work)
Sun Microsystems, Inc.          (781) 993-1136(Fax)
(Life is worth living... with Passion!)