Re: demos or how-to's for using custom Serializers with JAX-RPC ?

From: Anirban Chatterjee <anirban_417_at_YAHOO.COM>
Date: Wed, 18 Dec 2002 11:52:48 -0800

Hi Doug,
   Thanks for the reply .But I need to know this functiona;ity any way , because I am planning to exchange some java-classes which the RI does not serialize by default .
   I am aware that one can add these using <additional-types> in the config file some how ..and then use it in wsdeploy to create a deployable I wanted to check on some working examples .
Any help would be great !

 Doug Kohlert <doug.kohlert_at_SUN.COM> wrote:Anirban, if wscompile or wsdeploy is not complaining about "invalid types"
then the tools are probably able to create serializers for your Java-beans
so you should not have to create custom serializers.

Thank you for your interest in JAXRPC

Anirban Chatterjee wrote:
> Hi,
> Are there any demos or how-to's for using custom Serializers with JAX-RPC ?
> Basically , I have a class with methods returning java-beans as well as
> array of Beans .The wsdeploy and wscompile seem to be creating the tie
> classes and the client classes without any hitch where to I need
> the use of custom-serializers ?
> Any pointers will be appreciated a lot .
> TIA,
> Anirban
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Doug Kohlert
Java Software Division
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
phone: 503 345-9806
Anirban Chatterjee
(804) 677 1916
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