Re: Generating JavaDoc comments on WSDL generated sources

From: Vishal Goenka <vgoenka_at_CAMPUSPIPELINE.COM>
Date: Wed, 23 Oct 2002 12:54:49 -0600

On Wed, 16 Oct 2002 11:51:23 -0600, Vishal Goenka <vgoenka_at_CAMPUSPIPELINE.COM> wrote:

>Are there any plans to use the "wsdl:documentation" element in WSDL files
>to automatically populate the JavaDoc for the generated Source Java files.
>This is important for the service definition as well as Java types
>as mapped from their corresponding XML counterparts.
>Is anyone doing that at all? Axis, .NET, etc. Is there a schema defined for
>allowing meaningful WSDL documentation that can be mapped to JavaDoc
>elements such as @param, @exception etc.
>The "wsdl:documentation" element as per WSDL schema,
> allows any custom elements/attributes to be
>defined as child elements of the "documentation" node, so it seems there
>would be an effort to define standard documentation schema for use in
>generating documents across different programming languages.
>Any thoughts?

I have been able to edit the community source of JAX-RPC to generate
JavaDoc comments in the generated Java Interfaces from a WSDL document.

I would be happy to share it with the JAX-RPC RI team, if they would
consider adding this as a supported feature in the JAX-RPC RI