Re: WSDL compiler interop with other vendors

From: Anne Thomas Manes <anne_at_MANES.NET>
Date: Mon, 21 Oct 2002 12:01:34 -0400

The output from the various WSDL generators and WSDL compilers are not the
same. Each SOAP implementation processes WSDL in a slightly different way.
But that's the beauty of WSDL. WSDL is an abstract description language.
There are many different ways to represent the same interface in WSDL. Even
so, all these different systems manage to interoperate. (and not just Java
systems, either.)

The various SOAP vendors have been working together for the last 2 years in
an informal effort called SOAPbuilders (see to make sure that the various
systems work together. See for an overview
of these activities (Round 4 happened last week).

Web Services Interoperability (see is a more formal
consortium working to establish formal guidelines and tests to ensure

Best regards,

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Public discussion on JAX-RPC
> [mailto:JAXRPC-INTEREST_at_JAVA.SUN.COM]On Behalf Of Mischa Zurke
> Sent: Monday, October 21, 2002 3:53 AM
> Subject: WSDL compiler interop with other vendors
> Hi,
> I wonder if anybody has made experience with WSDL/WSDL compiler interop
> between different vendors e.g. Axis, Jaxrpc, Glue. Is the output of this
> compilers always the same for one interface - if not, the interop between
> server and client from different tool vendors would not be given, right?
> Is there a website where all working server/client combinations from
> different vendors are listed?
> Thanx,
> Mischa