Re: DII, Dynamic proxies and JavaBeans

From: Phil Goodwin <Phil.Goodwin_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 01 Aug 2002 18:03:31 -0700

Sam, can you re-post the client code for this. I believe I can help you.

Sam wrote:

>The spes dont require beans to be Serializable. If this was
>the case ,it wouldnt work with static stubs either.
>Manoj Kumar wrote:
>>try changing the first line to the following
>>public class Test implements Serializable {
>>hope this will work
>>thnaks & regards,
>>"" wrote:
>>>I agree. And thats what it is. The beans I m passing are very simple Here
>>>is an example
>>>public class Test {
>>>private String value="default";
>>>public Test(){}
>>>public String getValue() {
>>>return value;
>>>public void setValue(String value){
>>> this.value=value;
>>> }
>>>Why do I need to specify Typemappings for thsi and write
>>>serializer/deserializers when I use DII or Dynamic proxies ??
>>>Is this a bug in the implementation???
>>>Original Message:
>>>From: Manoj Kumar
>>>Date: Sun, 28 Jul 2002 13:31:27 +0530
>>>Subject: Re: DII, Dynamic proxies and JavaBeans
>>> There are some restrictions which a javabean must conform to.
>>>1) It must have a public default constructor
>>>2) It must not implement (either directly or indirectly) the
>>>java.rmi.Remote interface
>>>3) Its fields muct be supported JAX-RPC types
>>>4) It must impkements Serializable Interface.
>>>Sam wrote:
>>>>I give up and now i m totally clueless.
>>>>Tried DII and Dynamic proxy with a simple JavaBean as
>>>>the return type.
>>>>I keep getting this error
>>>>no serializer is registered for (null, {}MyBean)
>>>>What do I do ? I thought JAX-RPC was supposed to marshall/unmarshall
>>>>simple JavaBeans because they were a built in type.
>>>>Any ideas or example code would be appreciated
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Phil Goodwin, Java Software, Sun Microsystems, 408.276.7090, or x17090
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For a kindly greeting bow thou down with zeal;
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But the truly noble know all men as one,
And return with gladness good for evil done.