Re: How can I rename namespace from 'env' to 'SOAP-ENV'

From: Toivo \ <tlainevool_at_NEWIRONSYSTEMS.COM>
Date: Thu, 01 Aug 2002 17:19:09 -0700

Your customer's program (X) is wrong. The "SOAP-ENV" or "env" indicate
the namespace _prefix_. The actual namespace name is the same in both
cases i.e. ="". As far as XML
is concerned, the two documents would be equivalent, regardless of the
prefix. If you don't understand these concepts, I would recommend
learning about namespace from something like:

You should get a fix for program "X". Just about an XML parser you can
find these days will handle this correctly.

Toivo Lainevool

-----Original Message-----
From: Public discussion on JAX-RPC [mailto:JAXRPC-INTEREST_at_JAVA.SUN.COM]
On Behalf Of Edwin van Gruijthuijsen
Sent: Thursday, August 01, 2002 2:37 PM
Subject: How can I rename namespace from 'env' to 'SOAP-ENV'


I have written a soap server (using jwsdp ea2) whose soap responses are
parsed by an application of one of our customers. That parsing program
(let's call it X) was originally targeted for another soap server, which
used the namespace SOAP-ENV for, i.e.:


jwsdp ea2 names that namespace 'env', i.e.:

   [jwsdp ea2] xmlns:env=""

Our customers program (X) looks for SOAP-ENV but cannot find it.

How can I tell jwsdp to use SOAP-ENV instead of env for

Thanks in advance,
Edwin van Gruijthuijsen