Re: Non Serializable elements

From: Savchenko, Vladimir <vladimir.savchenko_at_SAP.COM>
Date: Tue, 06 Aug 2002 14:36:54 +0200


you are right, this is also one solution we implemented, i was just wondering what is the general
opinion on this question.

Thank you, Vladimir

-----Original Message-----
From: Sasi Kala [mailto:sasikala_jmk_at_YAHOO.COM]
Sent: Tuesday, August 06, 2002 3:31 PM
Subject: Re: Non Serializable elements


  I think this question suppose to go the J2EE forum since it does not allow the non-serializable objects as input/output parameters. It means that JAX-RPC allows one feature which may not be available in some other technology, that is it. Is not it?

  I think you could use the byte array as an input parameter to pass an image, right?


On Tue, 6 Aug 2002 12:26:45 +0200, Savchenko, Vladimir <vladimir.savchenko_at_SAP.COM> wrote:

>Hi All,
>JAX-RPC states that on cetain places, the ServiceEndpointInterface may have elements like javax.xml.transform.Source,
>or javax.xml.jaxm.SOAPElement, or java.awt.Image.
>If someone intends to write an EJBean (for example for JSR 109), and wants to use this functionality, he should declare his methods, using these types.
>But actualy, declaring an interface of a bean with these types is not correct, because they do not implement
>Could you tell me what is the solution to such a problem.
>regards Vladimir