Re: Exception in webservices

From: Sasi Kala <sasikala_jmk_at_YAHOO.COM>
Date: Tue, 06 Aug 2002 02:26:55 -0700

Hi Botond,
   JAX RPC 1.0 Final Release Specification says in section 5.2.1 that
1. The JAX-RPC specification requires that a JAX-RPC service endpoint interface must follow the rule:

Rule: Service endpoint interface must extend java.rmi.Remote either directly or indirectly
2. A JAX-RPC service endpoint interface that extends the java.rmi.Remote interface may declare service specific exceptions in a method signature in addition to the required java.rmi.RemoteException.
3. A service specific exception declared in a remote method signature must be a checked exception. It must extend java.lang.Exception either directly or indirectly but must not be a RuntimeException.


 Szak?cs_Botond wrote:Hi,

Is it possible to throw exceptions in webservices, and receive the
exception on the client side? I tried to look in the specification, but
I didn't found any reference to my question.

Regards, Botond.

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