Re: JAXR client access from behind authenticating proxy

From: Ramesh Mandava <>
Date: Mon, 20 May 2002 16:00:01 -0700

Hi Venu:
   You can use the following code for passing username and password to
JAXR connection

String userName = "username";
String password="userPassword";
PassWordAuthentication passwordAuth = new PasswordAuthentication (
userName, password.toCharArray() );

Set credentials = new HashSet();
credentials.add( passwordAuth );
connection.setCredentials ( credentials );
For further information you can use the article at

For further discussions on JAXR you can use JAXR developer Forum group
named "jaxr-discussion" at

Venu Vasudevan wrote:

>I realize this is a JAX-RPC group, but didn't see one for JAXR. I'd appreciate tips on how to pass login and pswd information to the JAXR connection object.