Re: Missing port information -> serializer not found

From: Arun Gupta <>
Date: Wed, 01 May 2002 19:30:13 -0700

Hi Peter,

This error message seem to indicate that Coordinate_SOAPSerializer did
not get bundled in your WAR file. You may want to check this class is
accessible to your Tomcat container.

Thanks for your interest in JAX-RPC.


Peter Harbo wrote:

>I have created an application which requires the default serializer
>generated by xrpcc but when I run it I get the error 'Missing port
>information' as a SOAP fault. The catalina.out log from tomcat
>tells me the SOAP Serializer is not found
>[ERROR] http - -caught throwable: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: edu/harvard/cd
>so I assume this is what threw the error: I was able to install and verify
>the existence of the port.
>I think this should work. Does anyone have an idea what I can check, or
>is this a known bug?

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There is only one today, I must live itself!