Problems deploying a web service

From: Aurelio Cedillo <acedillos_at_NETSCAPE.NET>
Date: Wed, 29 May 2002 16:09:35 -0600

I developed a web service, compiled, and deployed it, but when I start
the browser in the URL i defined for the service, the browser puts:

A Web Service is installed at this URL.

This endpoint is incorrectly configured. Please check the location and contents of the configuration file.

Insted of:

A Web Service is installed at this URL.

It supports the following ports: "AcuerdosIF" (http://dgi-acs:8080/jaxrpc-acuerdos/acuerdos/AcuerdosIF)
that the browser sends with another service I developed.

I've checked the wrong one, comparing it with the good one and evry thing seems to be OK.

Does any body knows what could be the problem? Thanks