Re: xrpcc classpaths

From: Simon Horrell <>
Date: Mon, 27 May 2002 15:47:52 +0100

Note that this will only work if you use the java ant task to run directly (and it seems you don't need
the -classpath application command-line argument) as the exec task won't
accept the classpathref attribute or a nested <classpath>.
I believe there is an xrpcc ant task in jaxrpc-ri.jar which also works fine.
BTW, I could also get it to work from the cmdline if I quoted the classpath,
e.g. -classpath "foo1;foo2".

----- Original Message -----
From: "Richard Perks" <richard.perks_at_BEA.COM>
Sent: Monday, May 27, 2002 2:25 PM
Subject: Re: xrpcc classpaths

> Mischa,
> In Ant, specify you can specify a classpath delimiter with the : character
> or use a classpath ant reference:
> <classpath>
> <pathelement path="${classpath}"/>
> <pathelement location="lib/helper.jar"/>
> </classpath>
> Regards,
> Rich
> 27/05/2002 12:55:38, Mischa <yawningrascal_at_HOTMAIL.COM> wrote:
> >Hi,
> >how can I define more than one class-path for xrpcc. It seems that only
> one is allowed. Unfortunately I need xrpcc to look at two different. I
> tried to seperate the classpaths with semicolon but it did not
> how does it work???
> >
> >
> > <target name="xrpcc-server" depends="compile-server"
> > description="Runs the xrpcc tool for the server">
> > <echo message="Running xrpcc for the server:"/>
> > <exec executable="${xrpcc}">
> > <arg line="-classpath ${shareddir};${SOME_OTHER_DIR}" />
> > <arg line="-server" />
> > <arg line="-d ${serverdir}" />
> > <arg line="config.xml" />
> > </exec>
> > </target>
> >
> >
> ********************************************************
> Richard Perks, Senior Consultant, UK Professional Services
> bea - The E-Commerce Transactions Company
> BEA Systems Ltd, Windsor Court
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> London Road, High Wycombe
> Bucks, HP11 1JU
> Tel: + 44 (0)1494 559527 Fax: + 44 (0)1494 452202
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> <>
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