Re: RI bug?

From: Roberto Chinnici <Roberto.Chinnici_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 23 May 2002 10:21:44 -0700


I'm not sure I understand the problem.

Let's take this SOAP envelope produced by the RI as an example:

 1: <env:Envelope
 2: xmlns:env=""
 3: xmlns:xsd=""
 4: xmlns:xsi=""
 5: xmlns:enc=""
 6: xmlns:ns0=""
 7: env:encodingStyle="">
 8: <env:Body>
 9: <ans1:doit xmlns:ans1=""/>
10: </env:Body>
11: </env:Envelope>

What is wrong with it?

It seems to me that the SOAP messages we produce are in accordance
with the SOAP 1.1 specification. Perhaps the issue is with the published
SOAP 1.1 schema document?


Roberto Chinnici
Java and XML Software
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Simon Horrell wrote:
> The SOAP messages generated by the RI decorate the
> {}Envelope element with the
> {}encodingStyle attribute.
> According to the schema type definition associated with
> {}Envelope (at
>, I believe this is not correct.
> Si.