Re: public field in application class

From: Arun Gupta <>
Date: Tue, 21 May 2002 12:22:28 -0700

Hi Mischa,

JAX-RPC specification does not require support for a round trip mapping
between the WSDL and Java definitions. And thus generating a JAX-RPC
value type with accessors is not an incorrect behavior.

Moreover the information about the value type that whether it's fields
were public or were accessed via getters/setters is lost in WSDL. Thus
if you are importing a WSDL, the value types so generated will have
getters/setters. The data stored in the value type gets transferred
irrespective of the fact that it's fields are public or accessed via

Thanks for your interest in JAX-RPC.


Mischa wrote:

>as I used an application class as JAX-RPC Type I wondered about the dealing with public fields. Every public field occurs in the wsdl file. But on clientside I can't use them directly but only with Accessormethods of the created stub. Isn't that a little inconsistent that I work on on a remote object with methods that infact are not existent in the "real" class.
>Thanx for advice,

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