Re: service endpoint

From: Sang Shin <>
Date: Sun, 07 Apr 2002 23:15:56 -0400

(I am not working in JAX-RPC group. So these are my
personal interpretation of the spec.)


There seem to be several terms used in the spec
as following:

- Service endpoint definition
- Service endpoint class
- Service endpoint interface
- Service endpoint
- Servlet based endpoint
- Service endpoint model
- Service endpoint address

And the following is the way I see things. (Please feel
free to correct/comment.)

- Service endpoint definition, service endpoint are used to
  describe both conceptual and sometimes deployed state of a
  JAX-RPC service. So these two might include all the
  others such as endpoint interface, endpoint class,
  endpoint address

- Service endpoint model describes conceptual implementation
  and deployment model of JAX-RPC service. There are
servlet-based or
  statement session bean-based endpoint model.

- Service endpoint interface is "service definition
  interface" which is Remote type as following

   public interface HelloIF extends Remote {
    public String sayHello(String s) throws RemoteException;

- Service endpoint class implements "Service definition
  interface" as following. This is a Java class which
  has no binding yet with transport protocol nor with
  endpoint address. It does not yet deployed in
  servlet container.

  public class HelloImpl implements HelloIF {

    public String message = new String("Hello ");

    public String sayHello(String s) {
        return new String(message + s);


- Service endpoint address is the concrete
  address of the JAX-RPC service. For example, if HTTP is
  the transport protocol, then it will be in the form of
  URL like or SMTP is used for
  transport, it will be in the form of email address like


Sam wrote:
> Well the specs seems to use the term endpoint and implementation
> interchangably everywhere.
> Eg "The service endpoint class may implement the following
> ServiceLifecycle interface...."
> Does this mean that the implementation class implements this interface
> or does the Servlet (which is the endpoint in the container ) ? Or is
> the endpoint and the implementation the same thing...
> Am confused ..
> Can anyone from Sun please clarify this ?
> Thanks
> /Sam
> > "Katz, Guy" wrote:
> >
> > a service endpoint is the is just the entry point of the service
> > implementation
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Sam []
> > Sent: Thursday, April 04, 2002 12:58 AM
> > Subject: service endpoint
> >
> > Hi
> >
> > Does anyone know what is the difference between a service endpoint
> > and the service implementation is ?
> >
> > It sounds like the same thing and seems to be used interchangibly in
> > the
> > specs ?
> >
> > /sam
> >
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Sang Shin             
Strategic Market Development    (781) 442-0531(Work)
Sun Microsystems, Inc.          (781) 993-1136(Fax)