portable stubs

From: Sam <>
Date: Sun, 07 Apr 2002 21:49:12 -0400

I dont think thats correct (about stubs getting generated by the

JAX-RPC defines an API for client-side stubs via the javax.rpc.Stub
interface.... however I fail to see how that makes the stubs portable
and independent of the Tie implementation ?

What happens if the client is deployed in another JAXRPC runtime
(and not the RI) ?? I mean I could write a class that implements
the Stub interface and its 3 simple methods but how does that hook
it up to my corresponding tie (which may be generated by a completely
different runtime ?)....

Can anyone clarify this ? Am I missing something ?


Sang Shin wrote:
> Sang Shin wrote:
> >
> > Sam wrote:
> > >
> > > I m not sure about this. Perhaps you can clarify this.
> > >
> > > What is the bigger picture.. of how clients use stubs ?
> > >
> > > The way I see it a stub can be distributed with a client and the client
> > > can access the stub (as we do in RMI clients by doing something similar
> > > to a lookup).
> >
> > According to the JAX-RPC spec, the stub gets generated
> > during
> > deployment time specific to a particular JAX-RPC runtime
> > system. (One of the reasonings for this is not to
> > impose the portability requirement to the stub.)
> >
> > Even in regular RMI, the recommended practice is to download
> > the stub during runtime through something like RMI registry
> > (or Jini lookup service) during runtime. So distributing
> > a stub with a client is usually considered a bad practice.
> >
> (I am not working in JAX-RPC group. So these are my
> personal interpretation of the spec.)
> By the way, I did not mean to imply that in the case of
> the stub gets downloaded to the client during runtime. My
> understanding is that the stub gets generated by the client
> side JAX-RPC runtime system.
> ---------------------------------------------
> Sang Shin
> Strategic Market Development (781) 442-0531(Work)
> Sun Microsystems, Inc. (781) 993-1136(Fax)
> ---------------------------------------------

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