Re: xrpcc and other questions

From: Sam <>
Date: Tue, 02 Apr 2002 20:04:49 -0500

So right now theres no other way of looking up the service except
the hard coded stub and the _Impl classes (as in the examples?)


Arun Gupta wrote:
> Hi Sam,
> WSDL based creation of Service element will be supported in the next
> release of JAX-RPC.
> Thanks for your interest in JAX-RPC.
> Regards,
> -Arun
> Sam wrote:
> > Actually I need to be more specific, teh service factory is missing
> > the ability to instantiate an service based on teh wsdl definition.
> >
> > ie the method
> > Service createService( wsdlDocumentLocation,QName
> > serviceName)
> >
> > Is there a work around ?
> >
> > /Sam
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Sam wrote:
> >
> >>The new release for JAX-RPC is out (ie ver 0.7 which the
> >>current web services developers pack supports since the posting
> >>of this message.
> >>
> >>The ServiceFactory seems to be still missing ???
> >>
> >>/sam
> >>
> >>Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2002 08:59:52 -0800
> >>Reply-To: Public discussion on JAX-RPC
> >>Sender: Public discussion on JAX-RPC
> >>From: Arun Gupta <arun.gupta_at_SUN.COM>
> >>Organization: Java Software (SUN Microsystems Inc)
> >>Subject: Re: xrpcc and other questions
> >>
> >>Hi Sam,
> >>
> >>See my inline answers.
> >>
> >>Sam wrote:
> >>
> >>>1.>
> >>>Is there any description on the format of the config
> >>>file and what it supports ?
> >>>
> >>Format of the config file is given in the web services tutorial
> >>available at
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>>Eg how do I get xrpcc to generate stubs from a wsdl
> >>>file ? The document doesnt really explain this.
> >>>
> >>You just need to provide a config file with the information about the
> >>wsdl to the xrpcc compiler. Invoking the xrpcc compiler will generate
> >>stubs in the package specified by the "packageName" attribute specified
> >>in the config file.
> >>
> >>
> >>>And what about compatibility with WSDL files generated
> >>>by other tools ? Eg I would like to take a WSDL file
> >>>generated by say XXXX vendor and use that with xrpcc.
> >>>Is there a problem with that ? What are the issues
> >>>involved ?
> >>>
> >>xrpcc is WSDL 1.1 compatible. You should be able to feed conformant WSDL
> >>file to xrpcc compiler and it should generate stubs. It can import
> >>rpc/encoded WSDL files fairly easily. There is a limited support for
> >>document/literal though.
> >>
> >>
> >>>2.>
> >>>What are the JAX-RPC supported data types when it
> >>>comes to the standard Java classes, allagedly a
> >>>"subset" is supported ? How do I build a pluggable
> >>>serializer/de-serializer for a custom data type.
> >>>
> >>This subset is specified in section 5.1.3. I'll be working on a writeup
> >>on creating pluggable serializer/deserializer for a custom data type.
> >>I'll post it over the weekend or early next week and that should help
> >>you.
> >>
> >>
> >>>3.>
> >>>Does the current release support DII and Dynamic
> >>>proxies ?
> >>>
> >>The current release supports DII. You can refer to the web services
> >>tutorial at
> >> for
> >>more about building a DII client.
> >>
> >>Dynamic proxies will be supported in a later release.
> >>
> >>
> >>>4.>When will there be a transparent way to look up a
> >>>service be implemented ? The example provided hard
> >>>codes the stub methods and lookup doesnt seem to be
> >>>currently available. Something like :-
> >>>
> >>>Service sr= ServiceFactory.createService(xxx);
> >>>sr.getPort(HelloIF.class);
> >>>
> >>ServiceFactory will be available in the next upcoming release.
> >>
> >>
> >>>5.> Whats the whole deal with attachments. If SOAP1.1
> >>>with attachments is supported, why arent attachments
> >>>implemented in JAX-RPC ? And a related question, how
> >>>do
> >>>I get the document style to work ?
> >>>
> >>Attachments will be supported in the next upcoming release.
> >>
> >>You can import a document/literal WSDL file using the xrpcc compiler.
> >>However there is only limited support for such documents in the current
> >>release.
> >>
> >>Thanks for your interest in JAX-RPC.
> >>
> >>Regards,
> >>-Arun
> >>
> >>
> >>>6. What are the plans of integrating the JAX-RPC
> >>>release with Forte ? The current Forte tool allows you
> >>>to all of the JAX-RPC stuff but I think it uses the
> >>>Apache implementation. Eg It creates a web service
> >>>for your Java component by generating the WSDL file
> >>>and you can then generate a client java proxy from it.
> >>>
> >>>/sam
> >>>
> >
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> >
> >
> --
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