Re: service-specific exceptions

From: Rahul Sharma, Java Software <rahul.sharma_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 18 Apr 2002 16:33:45 -0700

Oliver Suciu wrote:
> Could somebody please clarify how exactly service-specific exceptions
> are mapped to/from WSDL?
> If I interpret the spec (PFD 0.8) correctly, there is an assymmetry:
> - section 5.2.1:
> "...service-specific exception...must extend java.lang.Exception
> either directly or indirectly..."
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> - section 4.3.6:
> "...a service specific Java exception (mapped from a wsdl:fault)
> extends the class java.lang.Exception directly"
> ^^^^^^^^

  It should be "directly or indirectly" in 4.3.6. Thanks for catching

> This would cause the exception hierarchy of service to be broken
> on the client side (or not?):
> - service-side: Exception <- SvcExc <- SpecialSvcExc
> - client-side: Exception <- SvcExc
> <- SpecialSvcExc
> Am I reading the spec correctly?
> If yes, why the assymmetry? (It breaks the exception hierarchy...)

