Re: xrpcc: Generate stub from WSDL

From: Hrishikesh Bhagwat <Hrishikesh.Bhagwat_at_XORIANT.COM>
Date: Thu, 18 Apr 2002 10:00:50 +0530

hi Su,

problem is that the SOAP response your client receives from the server,
either does not have the 'encodingStyle' attribute in the SOAP-ENV:Body
or has the value of that attribute set to "".

Since i dont really know what Axis is i m unable to tell you
how to resolve the issue.... i guess Axis must be having some
Configuration file where u can specify the value of encodingStyle
that you want Axis to use while sending out SOAP Messages.


-----Original Message-----
From: Su Zhang [mailto:su_ba_ru_at_HOTMAIL.COM]
Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2002 2:14 AM
Subject: Re: xrpcc: Generate stub from WSDL


I got another problem:
On the service side: a service is deployed on Axis, and Axis generates the
wsdl document for that service. The service has a simple method that takes a
string and returns a JavaBean type class.

On the client side: I used the xrpcc tool to generate the client-side
classes by feeding it with the service wsdl document. When the client is
executed, got the following exception:
java.rmi.RemoteException: deserialization error: deserialization error:
deserialization error: deserialization error: unexpected encoding style:
expected=, actual=; nested
exception is:
        deserialization error: deserialization error: deserialization error:
deserialization error: unexpected encoding style:
expected=, actual=
deserialization error: deserialization error: deserialization error:
deserialization error: unexpected encoding style:
expected=, actual=
