[Fwd: xrpcc limitation question]

From: Roberto Chinnici <Roberto.Chinnici_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2002 15:49:24 -0800

attached mail follows:

Should we be able to use xrpcc to create clients and servers out of existing wsdl documents? Or is it required that the wsdl document used for input to be "well formed" in certain tightly defined manners? I tried to use the wsdl from and immediately ran into the fact that a service was not provided. I then modified the file to have a service that points to the portType defined in the document. That produced the following error:

C:\AppDevStudio\webAF\Projects\webService>xrpcc -both -d test configuddi.xml
Warning: Ignoring fault "error" of document-style operation "find_binding"
Warning: Ignoring fault "error" of document-style operation "find_business"
Warning: Ignoring fault "error" of document-style operation "find_service"
Warning: Ignoring fault "error" of document-style operation "find_tModel"
Warning: Ignoring fault "error" of document-style operation "get_bindingDetail"
Warning: Ignoring fault "error" of document-style operation "get_businessDetail"
Warning: Ignoring fault "error" of document-style operation "get_businessDetailExt"
Warning: Ignoring fault "error" of document-style operation "get_serviceDetail"
Warning: Ignoring fault "error" of document-style operation "get_tModelDetail"
C:\AppDevStudio\webAF\Projects\webService\test\com\sas\test\ Variable 'ns1_bindingDetail_TYPE_QNAME
_Serializer' is already defined in this method.
            LiteralFragmentSerializer ns1_bindingDetail_TYPE_QNAME_Serializer = new LiteralFragmentSerializer(ns1_bindingDetail_TYPE
_QNAME,NOT_NULLABLE, "", false);
1 error, 9 warnings

Is there some restriction to using this tool that I am unaware of? Note that it would have made sense to me that the tool create source file stubs so that I could create the web service that uses this interface. I am not too sure how the complex types would have been implemented, although there appears to be enough information in the schemas.

Jim Adams
Principal Systems Developer
SAS Institute