RE: JAX-RPC Plugin for Maven 2

From: Kohsuke Kawaguchi <Kohsuke.Kawaguchi_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 20 Nov 2006 14:03:53 -0800

> Hi Vivek,
> Thanks for taking time to help :)
> Could you tell me in details all the steps I have to do to build a
> subproject of JAX-RPC as you suggested (licence, code conventions,
> naming of the packages, documentation, Maven web site, etc.) ?
> I will be very glad to join the glassfish project and the JAX-WS
> community :)


First you need to create a project on This is no different
from any other projects on You get a user id, then
start from

Once your project is created, let us know. We know the strings to pull
:-), so to speak, so we can make that your project gets approved in a
speedy fashion, and we can also move your project under jax-rpc. Beyond
that, we can help you set up your project, by "installing" various
things like mailing list auto responder or project role request handler.

Since your plugin is really a separate set of code, you can use whatever
coding convention that you feel comfortable. The same goes for license.
That said, it would make it easier for all of us if we can use the Java
coding convention [1] and CDDL, just because all the glassfish projects
do that.

The package name convention for a project is
"org.jvnet.YOURPROJECTNAME". Don't ask me why, but I recommend that.

This should do for now. If you need any help, let us know!

Kohsuke Kawaguchi
Sun Microsystems