Re: javadoc for javax.xml.rpc.server.Provider missing

From: Doug Kohlert <Doug.Kohlert_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 11 Jul 2005 11:08:46 -0700

Try downloading the public review javadocs at:

jayachandra wrote:

>I was trying to take a stab at JAXRPC2.0. I downloaded the edr3 and
>the associated After going through the spec and javadocs
>closely and trying to correlate how the implementation would look like
>I got stuck at the javax.xml.rpc.server.Provider interface. There is a
>lot of talk about it (including examples) in the spec but the
>interface seems missing in the javadocs. It doesn't look like an empty
>interface at least there would be one invoke method with a signature
>something like
>public void invoke(LogicalMessage reqMsg, JAXRPCContext context,
>LogicalMessage respMsg) throws RemoteException;
>Whom should we report this to?
>Thanks and regards,
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 - Doug