The requested resource not availeable error

From: shaba dil <>
Date: Thu, 21 Oct 2004 21:50:14 -0700 (PDT)

HI all,
I have used wscompile and wsdeploy tool successfully to make a deployable war file and deployed it in tomcat-jwsdp.
Then i gave URL to the brawser,and Tomcat says "The requested resource not availeable".HTTP status 404.
I tried a lot to figure out the reason.But hardly i cannot get it becoz it comes with deployment.I tried to run Tomcat as
Tomcat_HOME/bin> catalina.bat run
and checked for starting errors of the webservice.But there is no error.
I have a war file of same project i did 2 months before made with JWSDP1.3 wscompile and wsdeploy tool,that war file works but the new war file made from same code with JWSDP1.4 gives no error but Tomcat says "The requested resource not availeable".
Anybody expereinced same kind of problom before?.Any suggestiens?.
Error is as shown in window,
HTTP Status 404 - /NewCRM/crm

type Status report

message /NewCRM/crm

description The requested resource (/NewCRM/crm) is not available.


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