Faces Flows problem

From: Martin Švihlík <>
Date: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 17:13:58 +0100


I have several problems when trying tu use JSF 2.2 FacesFlows. I will start
with first one, and I will add some more later :).

I have a problem when trying to navigate from method call node, switch node
or faces flow call node to nodes other than view node or return node.

Just to make it super clear, next transitions are not possible:
method call node -> method call node
method call node -> faces flow call node
method call node -> switch node
faces flow call node -> method call node
.... I think that you get my point.

I wonder why this is not possible?

I debug code in com.sun.faces.application.NavigationHandlerImpl and in
com.sun.faces.flow.FlowHandlerImpl.class and I found out that
synthesizeCaseStruct method can handle only view node or return node as
target node. Otherwise it returns null.

Am I missing something or is it implemented like that on purpose?

Thanks in advance!
