I meet the following issue with Mojarra 2.1.19.
A page includes the same template twice but with different params. User can
hide/show template with a button :
<h:commandButton action="#{sessionBean.switch1}" value="switch
panel 1">
<f:ajax render=":panel"/>
<h:commandButton action="#{sessionBean.switch2}" value="switch
panel 2">
<f:ajax render=":panel"/>
<h:panelGroup id="panel">
<c:if test="#{sessionBean.render1}">
<f:subview id="f1">
<ui:include src="form.xhtml">
<ui:param name="comp" value="#{rb1}"/>
<c:if test="#{sessionBean.render2}">
<f:subview id="f2">
<ui:include src="form.xhtml">
<ui:param name="comp" value="#{rb2}"/>
rb1 and rb2 are two bean with scope request.
form.xhtml contains a form with a binding :
<f:subview id="#{comp.name}">
<h:form id="myForm" binding="#{comp.binding}">
<h:outputText value="#{comp.name}" id="output"/>
When user clicks on the "switch panel 1", JSF throws a duplicate id
exception. If I remove the binding there is no error. If I duplicate the
included template there is no error.
I'm wondering if it is an already knows issue ?