Mikael Andersson wrote:
> Hi
> I wonder if it is possible for me to make sure that my custom
> ELResolver is the last one to execute?
> After reading in Ed Burns The Complete Reference book, I think I know
> pretty much how the ELResolvers are handled.
> There is a managed bean ELResolver which gets invoked before any other
> resolvers which are added isn't there.
> My "problem" is that I'm using Seam and it seems to me like the
> SeamELResolver gets invoked after mine, which is a bit unfortunate
> since my resolver is kind of special and it would be great if it could
> be invoked as a last resort.
> Can I somehow make sure that my resolver ends up last in the chain?
> Thanks,
> mike
You should be able to rely on the configuration resource load order to
handle this.
The spec requires the following order:
- implementation specific configuration
- META-INF/faces-config.xml from any JAR files in the classpath
- faces-config files defined by the javax.faces.CONFIG_FILES context
init parameter in the web.xml
- faces-config.xml found in WEB-INF/lib.
How are you registering your ELResolver?