No, sorry, the show method of all backing beans is called, and the call to
all is repeated by the number of "rendered" tags.
I'm not exactly new to JSF, but I must admit I don't understand the
lifecycle well enough to know what might be going on with the rendered tag.
Maybe when it checks one, it has to check them all for some reason...
Ryan Lubke wrote:
> Richard Bremner wrote:
>> Hi,
>> We are having some strange behaviour with our JSF (sun reference
>> implementation) application. I am running on Glassfish V2 final.
>> say I have a page with the following panelGroup's, eg:
>> <h:panelGroup rendered="">
>> ...
>> </h:panelGroup>
>> <h:panelGroup rendered="">
>> ...
>> </h:panelGroup>
>> <h:panelGroup rendered="">
>> ...
>> </h:panelGroup>
>> Then, for instance, the "show" method in "BackingBean1" will be called 3
>> times, as there are 3 "rendered" attributes. If I add a fourth, it will
>> be
>> called four times, if I remove them all but 2, it will be called twice,
>> if
>> there is only 1 "rendered" then the show method will be called only once.
>> What on earth is causing this?
>> cheers
>> Richard
> Just to be clear, only is invoked in all cases even
> though
> you have specified or
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