Syvalta wrote:
> I had some problems deploying a jsf app in Geronimo 2. After some debugging,
> it seems to me that jsf html taglib definition doesn't comform to its
> schema.
> The error I get:
> WEB-INF\lib\jsf-impl-1.2_05.jar!\META-INF\html_basic.tld:1618:13: error:
> cvc-complex-type.2.4a: Expected elements
> 'rtexprvalue@
> deferred-value@
> deferred-method@
> fragment@' instead of
> 'type@' here in element
> attribute@
> The same error occurs also with jsf-impl-1.2_04.jar.
> I extracted the tld from the jar and validated it, with the same result. I
> have some difficulties to believe that such a problem would have been
> undetected for such a long time, so am I missing something or is the file
> really not comformant?
> The validation fails for the definition of "var":
> <name>var</name>
> <required>false</required>
> <type>java.lang.String</type>
> In the other definitions the type is enclosed in <deferred-value>.
> Any insights to the issue?
Looks like a bug. I manually validated and saw the same issue. Looks
like a bug in
GlassFish as well - it should be validating the TLDs.
Please log an issue [1] and well get it resolved asap.