Steven Gollery wrote:
> I'm using t:inputDate in several pages and have run into problems trying to
> integrate it into my own process for presenting errors to the user. As far
> as I can tell, t:inputDate is not participating in the usual JSF conversion
> and validation process. In a page, I set an inputDate to use my own custom
> converter, like this:
> <t:inputDate id="dateOfBirth" type="date" popupCalendar="true"
> value="#{editPerson.dateOfBirth}"
> binding="#{editPerson.dobInput}">
> <f:validator validatorId="dobValidator"/>
> <f:converter converterId="dobConverter"/>
> </t:inputDate>
> The converter and validator classes are set up like this in
> faces-config.xml:
> <validator>
> <validator-id>dobValidator</validator-id>
> <validator-class>backingBeans.DOBValidator</validator-class>
> </validator>
> <converter>
> <converter-id>dobConverter</converter-id>
> <converter-class>backingBeans.DOBConverter</converter-class>
> </converter>
> But DOBValidator.validate, DOBConverter.getAsObject and
> DOBConverter.getAsString are never called.
> I've written other validators and converters that work fine, but Tomahawk
> inputDate doesn't appear to use the JSF validator/converter framework.
> Does anyone have any experience attaching custom validators or converters to
> t:inputDate? If so, how did you make it work?
> Thanks in advance,
> Steven Gollery
You may want to post this message to the MyFaces user list as that is
the best
place to fine the Tomahawk developers.