Re: Does the EL swallow NullPointerExceptions?

From: Adam Brod <>
Date: Wed, 2 May 2007 16:02:29 -0400

Hmm, we're using JSF 1.2_04. I also just using EL 1.0. I will test out
JSF 1.2_04P1.

Thanks for your quick response!

Adam Brod
Product Development Team

Ryan Lubke <Ryan.Lubke_at_Sun.COM>
05/02/2007 04:00 PM
Re: Does the EL swallow NullPointerExceptions?


What version of 1.2 are you using? If I recall correctly, Ed added a
fix in the EL wrapper area to prevent exception
swallowing. This fix was made available in 1.2_04 P01.

Adam Brod wrote:
> Is it possible that the EL would swallow NullPointerExceptions that
> bubble up from the persistence layer? We have a bean property in a
> managed bean that loads some items from the DB and wraps them in a
> DataModel. It seems that when the method is called through the EL:
> <h:dataTable value="#{myBean.dataModel}" var="item">
> The NullPointerException is swallowed and the page continues to render
> (causing all sorts of problems). If this is expected EL behavior,
> then I'll have to ensure my javabean properties never throw NPEs. I
> know the EL is pretty relaxed about handling null values when trying
> to output Strings on the page. However, since this value is a
> DataModel, and is not being coerced into a String, I would think the
> NPE should propagate up and send the user to an error page.
> Any tips would be greatly appreciated.
> *
> Adam Brod*/
> Product Development Team/
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