Does #{messages[color.key]} work?
Also to accomplish this in my app using facelets I created a facelets
function 'concat' so that I could do something like:
#{messages[custom:concat('colors', color)]} That way I didn't have to
put i18N keys in my Enum.
On 4/4/07, Adam Brod <> wrote:
> Hi-
> We've got some Enums in our backend code. We need to display those enums in
> an i18n way. I was thinking of having the Enum return a String message key.
> For example, the enums could implement this interface:
> public interface I18n {
> /** @return key to a property bundle */
> public String getKey();
> }
> public enum Color implements I18n {
> RED(""),
> BLUE("");
> private String key;
> public Color(String key) { this.key = key; }
> public String getKey() { return this.key; }
> }
> Then, in my page I want to be able to use an EL expression to get the
> message key from the object. For example:
> <ui:iterate var="color" value="#{controller.colors}">
> <li>#{messages.color.key}</li>
> </ui:iterate>
> However, this tries to load the message key "color.key" not "".
> Is there a way I can get the EL to evaluate the section after messages as
> another expression? Alternately, is there a more standard way to use Enums
> with interationalization?
> Thanks,
> Adam Brod
> Product Development Team
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