I have been trying the tabChangeListener but am still having problems.
As you can see from the code below I've added
selectedIndex="#{tabSupport.selectedTabIndex}" serverSideTabSwitch="true"
to the <t:panelTabbledPane, created a backing bean and included a output
text in the page shown in the tab.
But the selected index is always 0.
<t:panelTabbedPane selectedIndex="#{tabSupport.selectedTabIndex}"
<t:tabChangeListener type="myapp.tabSupport" />
<t:panelTab id="tab00" label="Tab00">
<f:subview id="inc1">
<jsp:include page="Page1.jsp" flush="false">
<jsp:param name="filter" value="all" />
<t:panelTab id="tab01" label="Tab01" >
<f:subview id="inc2">
<jsp:include page="Page1" flush="false">
<jsp:param name="filter" value="new" />
package myapp;
import java.io.Serializable;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.myfaces.custom.tabbedpane.TabChangeListener;
import org.apache.myfaces.custom.tabbedpane.TabChangeEvent;
public class tabSupport implements Serializable, TabChangeListener
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1;
int selectedTabIndex;
private final transient Logger logger =
public int getSelectedTabIndex() {
return selectedTabIndex;
public void setSelectedTabIndex(int selectedTabIndex) {
this.selectedTabIndex = selectedTabIndex;
public void processTabChange(TabChangeEvent event){
//logger.error("ZZ" + event.getNewTabIndex() + " " + event.getPhaseId());
//logger.error ("This bit executed");
this.selectedTabIndex = event.getNewTabIndex();
In Page1.jsp
<t:outputText value="ZXZ #{tabSupport.selectedTabIndex}" />
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Pass-parameter-to-panelTab-of--%3Ct%3ApanelTabbedPane-tf3446642.html#a9700710
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