Thanks. I've just been assuming that it was the IDE that was giving a false
error. I'm using NetBeans 5.5 with the versions of Tomcat and JSF that come
with it. Tomcat 5.5.17 and JSF 1.1 (I'm guessing 1.1_01 but it isn't
listed). Now that Tomcat 6 is finally out I'm hoping to try 1.2 sometime in
the not too distant future.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Ryan Lubke" <Ryan.Lubke_at_Sun.COM>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, March 05, 2007 5:08 PM
Subject: Re: Question regarding includes and subviews
> Jon Miller wrote:
>> It's failing on the following. If I remove the expression, then it's OK.
>> <h:commandLink action="#{appointmentsHandler.listAppointments}"
>> value="List appointments" immediate="true"/>
> In that case, I would ignore the error in the IDE (perhaps log a bug
> against NB).
>> Regarding the comments, I'm using JSP XML documents. <%-- --%> isn't
>> valid XML, so, I can't use that. Also, even if it's using an XML comment,
>> it should just be sending it as template text to the client. That's not
>> what's happening. JSF is still turning it into actual components. What
>> I've been wondering is if there is a JSP XML document way of commenting
>> things so that it doesn't go back to the client as template text?
> Section 1.5.2 of the JSP spec states that <!-- --> should behave the same
> as <%-- --%> in standard syntax. If that isn't happening,
> it sounds like a bug in the container. What container are you testing
> with?
>> Jon
>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Jason Lee" <>
>> To: <>
>> Sent: Monday, March 05, 2007 4:43 PM
>> Subject: RE: Question regarding includes and subviews
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> I'm guessing I'm probably doing something stupid here. I'm
>>>> including the following file using the following include
>>>> directive. NetBeans is giving me an error message of "#{...}
>>>> not allowed in template text body." It does this in the
>>>> editor, but, it runs fine anyway. What I'm wondering is, am I
>>>> doing something wrong, or, is this just an erroneous error
>>>> message? I'm using JSP XML documents.
>>> JSP requires that you wrap text in <h:outputText />. I'm guessing you
>>> have something like
>>> <h:outputLink
>>> value="http://foo">#{myBean.someText}</h:outputLink>
>>> Which should be
>>> <h:outputLink value="http://foo"><h:outputText
>>> value="#{myBean.someText}"/></h:outputLink>
>>>> A second problem is that I have the h:dataTable commented
>>>> out, yet, JSF is still rendering it even though it's
>>>> commented. I'm using JSF 1.1 since that is all NetBeans
>>>> supports at the moment (at least for use with the version of
>>>> Tomcat that comes with it).
>>> You are using HTML comments (<!-- -->). If you want the JSP compiler to
>>> ignore that markup, use JSP comments (<%-- --%>).
>>> -----
>>> Jason Lee, SCJP
>>> JSF RI Dev Team
>>> Senior Software Engineer
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