I would say the invoke application phase. Or am I missing something?
How is this different from any other action navigation?
On 11/7/06, Todd Patrick <Todd.Patrick_at_dtn.com> wrote:
> JSF Lifecycle.
> What phase would I place business logic to determine to render a page or
> jump to a different page?
> I don't believe I want a Phase Listener, because I only want this to
> happen once for *one* page.
> The business logic in a nutshell is as follows:
> 1.) Get the FacesContext
> 2.) Get the Application from the FacesContext
> 3.) Create an object
> 4.) Create an Application Value Binding to the FacesContext and object
> 5.) If that is successful, go to page1.jsf
> 6.) Else continue to render the current jsf page.
> I believe I could put this logic *before* the Restore View Phase and
> call FacesContext.responseComplete?
> Thanks,
> --Todd
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