Ryan and Mike, thank you for the detailed explanation.
I found my error.
-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Youngstrom [mailto:youngm_at_gmail.com]
Sent: Monday, November 06, 2006 4:16 PM
To: users_at_javaserverfaces.dev.java.net
Subject: Re: FacesException: The scope of the referenced object is
shorter than the referring object?
shoot I was too late. :)
On 11/6/06, Michael Youngstrom <youngm_at_gmail.com> wrote:
> It means that you're injecting a managed bean into a managedbean with
> a longer scope so that your bean with the shorter scope is going to
> lose it's scope in the object with the longer scope.
> Example: if you inject a request scoped bean into a session scoped
> bean then next request you're going to have 2 instances of that
> request scoped bean. One in the request and one in the session scoped
> bean.
> Mike
> On 11/6/06, Todd Patrick <Todd.Patrick_at_dtn.com> wrote:
> > What exactly does the exception "The scope of the referenced object
> > #{object} is shorter than the referring object" mean?
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > --Todd
> >
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