Re: review request for JAVASERVERFACES-3804

From: manfred riem <>
Date: Wed, 04 Mar 2015 07:56:20 -0600

Hi Zhijun,

If any backport triggers a TCK failure it needs to be investigate
whether or not the TCK failure is because the test itself is faulty or
the change is faulty.

So yes you need to be concerned.

Kind regards,

On 3/4/15, 1:16 AM, zhijun Ren wrote:
> Hi Ed and Manfred,
> Please help to review the code.
> One thing need to highlight here is that I corrected a test case which
> failed with the change, there may be a similar test in tck and will
> fail once the change is committed. it has happened in 2.3 trunk.
> Do you have concern about this or what I need to do before commit the
> change?
> BR,
> Zhijun