Re: Summary of my work before Chinese Lunar New year

From: zhijun Ren <>
Date: Tue, 17 Feb 2015 08:28:02 +0800

Sorry, I just saw it, thanks.

On 2/17/15, 8:22, zhijun Ren wrote:
> Hi Manfred,
> ?
> How to check the failed issues? there is no test cases list in the
> quality job, in the console output?
> BR,
> Zhijun
> On 2/16/15, 22:08, manfred riem wrote:
>> Hi Zhijun,
>> Can you have a look at the quality job on Hudson and fix the 2 issues
>> that cropped up as a result of your commit?
>> Thanks!
>> Manfred
>> On 2/15/15, 9:16 PM, zhijun Ren wrote:
>>> Hi Ed and Manfred,
>>> I have just committed #3680 so that I have time to observe the
>>> Hudson test result before my holiday.
>>> So far, the faces flow issues I have fixed with code submission to
>>> trunk are as following:
>>> 1. JAVASERVERFACES-3593(Navigation from method-call-node to
>>> method-call-node does not work), 2 drops of code including 23 test
>>> cases and bug fixing code
>>> 2. “Refactoring the class NavigationhandlerImpl”
>>> 3. JAVASERVERFACES-3476(Do not set the inbound parameter, if the
>>> start node is the method call, etc...)
>>> 4. JAVASERVERFACES-3475(Initializer does not see the inbound
>>> parameters)
>>> 5. JAVASERVERFACES-3694(Failed test:
>>> com.sun.faces.test.javaee6web.flowtraversalcombinations.ReturnNaviToOtherNodesIT.testReturnNaviToFlowCallNode)
>>> 6. JAVASERVERFACES-3695(Failed Tests:
>>> com.sun.faces.test.javaee6web.flowtraversalcombinations.SwitchNaviToOtherNodesIT)
>>> 7. JAVASERVERFACES-3574(NPE thrown when going into flow call node
>>> after return from called subflow)
>>> 8. JAVASERVERFACES-3680(Entering same flow again as nested flow)
>>> During the working on this issues, I found another issue:
>>> - The finalizer method is not called when the flow call returned in
>>> some(or all?) cases, beside the wrong behavior, this may bring risk
>>> of memory leak;
>>> Current left issues owned by me are:
>>> - Bug#20054697(multiple deployments of appilcation to wls result in
>>> out of heap error); [no response from filer]
>>> - Bug#20282709 (stress: degration in performance of dukes tutoring
>>> over time);[no response from filer]
>>> com.sun.faces.test.agnostic.facelets.ui.Issue2717IT.testIssue2717 on
>>> 2.1.20);
>>> - JAVASERVERFACES-3629(Use final where possible in Flow
>>> implementation);
>>> com.sun.faces.test.javaee6.resource.cacheLastMod.wartest.Issue2895IT.testResourceCaching
>>> test);
>>> - JAVASERVERFACES-3130(NavigationHandlerImpl differs from
>>> specification if a matching navigation-case element was located);
>>> I plan to do the back port works of the faces flow after Chinese New
>>> Year.
>>> Thanks for your help in the past days and wish you will be happy in
>>> every day!
>>> Zhijun