Hi Ed,
this issue is created for the port to trunk.
On 8/28/14, 10:13, Edward Burns wrote:
>>>>>> On Thu, 28 Aug 2014 01:49:20 +0000, ren.zhijun.oracle_at_java.net said:
> RZ> Project: mojarra
> RZ> Repository: svn
> RZ> Revision: 13606
> RZ> Author: ren.zhijun.oracle
> RZ> Date: 2014-08-28 01:49:18 UTC
> RZ> Link:
> RZ> Log Message:
> RZ> ------------
> RZ> https://java.net/jira/browse/JAVASERVERFACES-3359
> Please also forward port this to trunk. Thanks. You'll have to file
> another JIRA issue to cover the forward port. Please make sure to use
> the "Link" feature to link this new issue to JAVASERVERFACES-3359. When
> you close this new issue, make sure to set the fixVersion to 2.3.
> Now, I know Manfred mentioned not to use svn merge, but you can do it,
> you just have to be careful of a few things.
> 1. Make sure the<version /> markings in any pom.xml files are correct
> with respect to the target branch.
> 2. Never, ever, no never commit a file that shows up in svn status as
> A +
> If you see a file with an "A +" marking, svn revert it, then svn add
> it.
> If you want to avoid using svn merge, that's fine too. An easy way to
> not use it is to make sure any new files are svn added, then do.
> svn diff> mods.patch
> Then svn revert the changes, including removing any newly added files
> from the workarea. That way, when you apply the patch with
> patch -p0< mods.patch
> The files will get added. You must then svn add them again.
> Ed