Hi Zhijun,
Can you implement the following changes and send out another changebundle?
1. Please order the modules section in the POMs alphabetically.
2. Please do not include new dependencies in the dependency section.
3. Please make sure the web.xml files contain the ${webapp.xxxx} parameters,
4. Change AnnotatedComponentsITCase to AnnotatedComponentIT and use
the new testing pattern, see any of the projects for an example on
that, or
if you need help let me know.
5. Fix the package names to reflect which project they are in (this makes it
easier to figure out which project a given class belongs to when
you look
at the test report).
Eg. com.sun.faces.test.weblogic.wls1214.facelets.core.AnnotationTestBean
for the code in test/weblogic/wls1214/facelets/core
Do that both for the tests and the managed beans.
6. When using HtmlUnit please do not use the asText() method, but always
use asXml().
On 8/6/14, 3:16 AM, zhijun Ren wrote:
> Hi Manfred and Ed,
> Please help to do code review for my change for JIRA3334, attached the
> changebundle.txt and the newfiles.zip.
> Main changes:
> 1. Only copy the AnnotatedValidatorNoValue Test logic by rewrite the
> web project and related test classes;
> 2. Uncomment the @FacesValidator in AnnotatedValidatorNoValue;
> 3. The tests are in test/glassfish and test/weblogic/wls11214 now;
> Thanks for any comments.
> Zhijun