Re: Oracle Contributor Agreement - Project JSF.

From: manfred riem <>
Date: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 12:30:03 -0500

Hi there,

It is indeed possible! Lets start with #1 in the list below and work
from there!

1. Create a test reproducer that can run in our harness
2. Send the reproducer to and we will
attach it to the issue.
3. Create a fix.
4. Send a changebundle for review to
5. Perform necessary changes and resubmit (if necessary)
6. We commit the changebundle and will report back if any issues arise.
7. Enjoy successful submission of a fix!

To get started with #1 please check out the sources from if
you are working on 2.1, or if
you are working on 2.2

Let me know when you are ready and then we can continue on from there.


On 3/13/14, 12:25 PM, Jefferson Santos de Araujo wrote:
> Ed,
> Thanks for answer and also for introduce Manfred to me. Hello Manfred,
> pleasure to meet you. :)
> About the JAVASERVERFACES-3129, I could reproduce the problem, now I
> will work to try to solve it.
> As Ed have mentioned, I would like so much to help in the development
> of the new JSF versions and also I would like to be an Oracle
> Evangelist in the future, this is a kind of dream to me.
> My intention is to help you and Ed a lot and learn a lot with all of
> you about the JSF framework, growing together with you.
> Because of that, I would like to know from you what is the first steps
> that I have to follow in order to make it real. Is it possible?
> My <> ID is: jefferson_araujo and I have
> subscribed to the
> <> before to send the OCA to
> Oracle. I recently received an information about the new release of
> Mojarra version 2.1.28.
> Thanks again for your attention.
> Jefferson Araujo.
> 2014-03-13 13:02 GMT-03:00 Edward Burns <
> <>>:
> >>>>> On Thu, 13 Mar 2014 00:25:59 -0300, Jefferson Santos de
> Araujo <
> <>> said:
> JS> I knew Bruno Borges by sight, I know that he is a Java EE
> Evangelist at
> JS> Oracle. I have read some of his articles, he is involved in
> many events
> JS> here in Brazil.
> JS> Do you have some documents about the JSF internal structure? Its
> JS> architecture? I couldn't find documents about it.
> Let me introduce you to Manfred.
> Mr. Santos, Manfred Riem is my colleage and close collaborator on
> Mojarra.
> Manfdred, Mr. Santos is an individual who signed the OCA and is
> interested in building his skills in JSF with a view toward a closer
> involvement with Oracle (which I have no authority to make any
> statements about, by the way!)
> I asked him to look at JAVASERVERFACES-3129 and see if the reproduce
> shows the problem.
> Mr. Santos, can you please create yourself a
> <> id and share it
> with Manfred and I?
> Manfred, can you please make Mr. Santos an observer on the
> Mr. Santos, please subscribe to the
> <> mailing
> list. In the future, lets use this to communicate since that's what
> other contributors are also using.
> Thanks,
> Ed
> --
> | <> |
> office: +1 407 458 0017 <tel:%2B1%20407%20458%200017>
> | 6 Work Days Til JavaLand 2014
> | 31 Work Days til JAX 2014
> --
> Atenciosamente,
> Jefferson S. de Araujo.