Hi all,
To fix issue #2958 (see
https://java.net/jira/browse/JAVASERVERFACES-2958) I propose to make it
so that a passed in client id into f:ajax is first processed as
specified in the VDL docs of f:ajax.
Then if it is unable to find the component using the findComponent
(because of findComponent not being able / willing / equipped with
regard to find the actual component behind the given client id) I
propose we look at the given client id and
a) If it starts with the UINamingContainer separator char (most times
':') we strip that, and return the resulting
b) If it does not begin with the separator char to just return the
passed in client id.
This would narrowly fix issue #2958 and satisfy our user Ajax experience.
On the specification side we should then probably file an issue for some
rewording in the VDL of f:ajax.
If there are no objections by end of next week (Oct 10, 2013) I will go
ahead and do this fix.
Kind regards,