>>>>> On Fri, 20 May 2011 11:48:13 +0200, Bernhard Slominski <bernhard.slominski_at_gmx.de> said:
B> Hi,
B> I'm working on the Issue 974 now (Generation the tlddoc from a Faclets
B> taglib:
http://java.net/jira/browse/JAVASERVERFACES-974 ).
B> Right now the code is not in java.net but you can get it
B> here:
B> It looks to me the easiest solution is to transfer the facelets.xml
B> document into a tld document via an xsl stylesheet.
B> Then generate the documentation from the tld file.
B> The other solution is to parse the facelets.xml natively and create the
B> documention directly from there, but that solution seems to be more
B> effort.
That's a fine approach. Please proceed with that approach.
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