Re: Code Review : issue 11984

From: Sheetal Vartak <>
Date: Wed, 8 Dec 2010 11:25:05 -0800

Thanks Ed for the review. Will dig deeper into this.

On Dec 8, 2010, at 11:21 AM, Ed Burns wrote:

>>>>>> On Tue, 7 Dec 2010 16:20:01 -0800, Sheetal Vartak <> said:
> SV> Glassfish allows creation of virtual servers. Virtual hosting refers
> SV> to the ability to run several web sites (domains) from a single
> SV> physical server machine with a single IP address. To explain a
> SV> little about how one sets up a virtual host, here are a few steps :
> I spoke to Sheetal about this and I requested she learn more about the
> following things, which I don't understand.
> 1. In the case of virtual servers, do all the virtual servers share the
> same VM? Same Web App ClassLoader?
> 2. Is it true that ConfigureListener.contextInitialized() is called once
> per each virtual server instance?
> 3. Are the contextInitialized() methods called in parallel or in serial?
> 4. Do all the virtual servers share the same ServletContext instance?
> My intuition says the root cause of the bug is the fact that the answer
> to question 3 is "parallel", and the code is clearly not prepared for
> that use case.
> Ed
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