>>>>> On Sun, 11 Jul 2010 09:39:13 -0600, Manfred Riem <mriem_at_manorrock.org> said:
MR> Mmmm,
MR> OK that to me seems awkward, putting something into another class loader to
MR> make it work. I wonder what kind of other issues that would/could trigger
MR> with
MR> other deployed applications and or parts of the Glassfish runtime.
MR> Note in Ryan's example you have the choice of copying it into the lib
MR> directory
MR> of the application server, or to ship in in the WEB-INF/lib directory. I
MR> prefer
MR> the WEB-INF/lib directory since that keeps it isolated from other
MR> applications.
MR> So please test that scenario as well.
I've taken this issue over and will make it so that the original quality
of the feature is preserved.
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