Re: Source Tree Restructuring

From: Jason Lee <>
Date: Mon, 17 May 2010 11:23:01 -0500

And all tests pass in my clean tree. Let me know if you run into any

On 5/17/10 10:06 AM, Jason Lee wrote:
> The commit is now finished. Please update your tree ASAP to save
> yourself some pain.
> I've updated a separate Mojarra WC and am running the tests again to
> be sure things are working as expected.
> On 5/17/10 9:56 AM, Jason Lee wrote:
>> Tests finally finished. Committing now.
>> On 5/17/10 8:44 AM, Jason Lee wrote:
>>> Here's a quick head's up. For some time now, we (or, more
>>> accurately, mostly I) have had a start-and-stop effort to mavenize
>>> the Mojarra build. Last week, I spent some of my evenings trying to
>>> get more of this work done. My first goal is to restructure the
>>> directory structures in the various "modules" in the build to match
>>> the standard Maven layout. As of right now, I think this step is
>>> complete. All tests are passing, and, with Ed's help, I've spot
>>> checked several of the major ant targets to insure their continued
>>> functioning with no known failures. I am about to commit this
>>> change to the repository. If you have no outstanding changes, you
>>> should not see any changes (though the IDE projects may need fixing
>>> up). If you do have changes, you may see conflicts when you update
>>> due to the file location changes.
>>> Ed has given me permission to commit, which I will do as soon as
>>> this last run of the tests completes successfully.
>>> The next step, I think, is to build up the POM files to duplicate
>>> the functionality of the ant builds. Due to the complexity in the
>>> ant builds, there are some tasks that may remain in ant, at least
>>> for now, but I would like to get at least the basic building,
>>> packaging, and deploying functionality completely under Maven's
>>> direct control. Spec-related and other similar targets unique to
>>> the build can come later.
>>> I'll follow up on this email once the commit has been made.

Jason Lee
Senior Member of Technical Staff at Oracle