Here's a quick head's up. For some time now, we (or, more accurately,
mostly I) have had a start-and-stop effort to mavenize the Mojarra
build. Last week, I spent some of my evenings trying to get more of
this work done. My first goal is to restructure the directory
structures in the various "modules" in the build to match the standard
Maven layout. As of right now, I think this step is complete. All
tests are passing, and, with Ed's help, I've spot checked several of the
major ant targets to insure their continued functioning with no known
failures. I am about to commit this change to the repository. If you
have no outstanding changes, you should not see any changes (though the
IDE projects may need fixing up). If you do have changes, you may see
conflicts when you update due to the file location changes.
Ed has given me permission to commit, which I will do as soon as this
last run of the tests completes successfully.
The next step, I think, is to build up the POM files to duplicate the
functionality of the ant builds. Due to the complexity in the ant
builds, there are some tasks that may remain in ant, at least for now,
but I would like to get at least the basic building, packaging, and
deploying functionality completely under Maven's direct control.
Spec-related and other similar targets unique to the build can come later.
I'll follow up on this email once the commit has been made.
Jason Lee
Senior Member of Technical Staff at Oracle