Re: Nexus OSS setup for Mojarra

From: Jason Lee <>
Date: Wed, 07 Apr 2010 10:55:53 -0500

[Moving to the dev list so it gets more eyes]

I'm working through your documentation which seems pretty helpful, but
since the Mojarra build is ant-based (for now), it's a little harder to
apply directly. We're also needing to deploy an artifact that has
already been released, so we don't need the SCM tagging, etc. That
being so, I think the route I need to take is mvn deploy:deploy. There
are problems there, though.

The current state of the Mojarra 2.0.2 POMs are not acceptable for
deployment to central due to the repositories elements. The only thing
preventing their removal is the lack of javax.servlet:servlet-api:2.1
and jstl:jstl:1.2 in central. Older versions are there, so I think the
groundwork has already laid. We just need to push these two releases to
central (I'm trying to find those responsible for those inside Oracle
right now. I may end up having to do it myself).

Once those are fixed, though, we face the issue of changing the POM for
a released version. While the binary bits are the same, there may be
some heartburn caused by re-releasing the artifacts with the same
version number, but slightly different POMs. I don't think I have a
problem with that offhand, but some might. Anyone have any
thoughts/concerns with doing that? I'd hate to have to cut a
release just to change the POM. We could, of course, fix that in 2.0.3,
but I'm not sure when that will be released, and I get the impression
JBoss is not willing to wait that long. Personally, I'd like to get
this resolved as quickly as possible so we can move on to more
interesting things. :)

Thoughts? Suggestions? Concerns?

On 4/6/10 11:13 PM, Dan Allen wrote:
> A while back I got Mojarra setup in Nexus OSS for Maven Central
> deployments.
> I've laid out all the steps for deploying a Seam 3 module using the
> Nexus OSS repository hosting. You should be able to follow along and
> replace groupId and artifactId and successfully complete the
> deployment. Basically, this is no more difficult than deploying to any
> Maven repository. In fact, because you don't need an SSH key, it's
> even easier.
> If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask me or Pete.
> -Dan
> --
> Dan Allen
> Senior Software Engineer, Red Hat | Author of Seam in Action
> Registered Linux User #231597

Jason Lee
Senior Member of Technical Staff at Oracle