Re: Test Failure

From: Jim Driscoll <Jim.Driscoll_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 26 Jan 2010 11:34:09 -0800

Could you file that as a test bug?


On 1/26/10 11:03 AM, Jason Lee wrote:
> I think I may have found my problem (thanks, Ryan! :). The test for
> implicit navigation hardcodes localhost:8080. I have my test servers
> set up for 9080, so the tests fail. I altered the test to avoid the
> host and port, and it seems all tests are passing. So...false alarm.
> <sheepishly>Thanks for the help.</sheepishly>
> On Tue, Jan 26, 2010 at 12:05 PM, Jim Driscoll<> wrote:
>> I'm booting up Ubuntu for the first time in months, I'll check it out.
>> Just have to download those 191 updated packages first.
>> Jim
>> On 1/26/10 9:11 AM, Jason Lee wrote:
>>> I've tried _17 and _18 on my Linux box (gentoo) with no luck.
>>> Hudson's happy, so it's clearly environmental. I just can't pinpoint
>>> what or why. :|
>>> On Tue, Jan 26, 2010 at 9:18 AM, Andy Schwartz
>>> <> wrote:
>>>> Hey Jason -
>>>> I ran into this as well when attempting to build on Linux (Java
>>>> 1.6.0_11, Ant 1.8.0RC1). I didn't push (or log) the issue as it
>>>> didn't repro when I subsequently tested on my Mac. I assumed that
>>>> someone had fixed the issue, but it sounds like it might actually be a
>>>> platform-dependent problem that so far only you and I have hit?
>>>> Andy