On 12/27/09 11:27 PM, Ed Burns wrote:
>>>>>> On Thu, 24 Dec 2009 15:10:15 -0800, Ryan Lubke<Ryan.Lubke_at_Sun.COM> said:
> RL> On 12/24/2009 12:11 AM, Ed Burns wrote:
>>> Hi Ryan,
>>> What's the right Hudson instance to verify that a change has not broken
>>> the JSF build?
>>> I'm looking at
>>> <http://rindge.sfbay.sun.com:7070/hudson/job/JSF_2.0_GFv3_Preview/>, but
>>> this doesn't have a v3 instance, and I seem to recall there was one.
> RL> I haven't added a V3 instance to hudson yet. Feel free to add a job.
> Ok, I've added one, but for some reason the build stops after the domain
> is stopped.
> http://rindge.sfbay.sun.com:7070/hudson/job/JSF_HEAD_GFv3_FCS/3/console
> Can you please take a look at this when you have some time?
> On my local machine, it works, but on the hudson machine it does not.
> I really appreciate it.
The problem was that the hudson instance runs as rlubke, yet I installed
the glassfish container as me. When I adjusted the permissions, it worked.