On 11/16/09 1:12 PM, Martin Kočí wrote:
> Hi,
> problem has nothing to do with navigation and surely relates to Facelets
> state saving. Simple tests (code pasted below) outputs following
> results:
> 1) JSP: switchs colums at every click with no problem
> 2) Facelets with javax.faces.PARTIAL_STATE_SAVING=false - no visual
> switch as described in original mail
> 3) Facelets with javax.faces.PARTIAL_STATE_SAVING=true - switchs with
> first click but next restore state ends withs
> java.lang.ClassCastException:
> com.sun.faces.application.view.StateHolderSaver cannot be cast to
> [Ljava.lang.Object;
> Common code from test.jspx and test.xhtml
> ... jsp: or facelets stuff here ...
> <h:form id="form">
> <h:commandButton value="Switch columns">
> <f:actionListener binding="#{testBean}" />
> </h:commandButton>
> <h:dataTable id="table">
> <h:column>
> <f:facet name="header">
> <h:outputText value="firstName" />
> </f:facet>
> </h:column>
> <h:column>
> <f:facet name="header">
> <h:outputText value="surname" />
> </f:facet>
> </h:column>
> </h:dataTable>
> </h:form>
> @ManagedBean
> @RequestScoped
> public class TestBean implements ActionListener {
> public void processAction(ActionEvent event) throws
> AbortProcessingException {
> FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
> UIComponent table = context.getViewRoot().findComponent("form:table");
> UIComponent column1 = table.getChildren().get(0);
> UIComponent column2 = table.getChildren().get(1);
> table.getChildren().clear();
> table.getChildren().add(column2);
> table.getChildren().add(column1);
> }
> }
I see. Please log an issue.
> Ryan Lubke píše v Po 16. 11. 2009 v 08:24 -0800:
>> On 11/16/09 6:43 AM, Martin Kočí wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> i have a problem with Facelets2 (mojarra trunk) and component tree
>>> manipulation:
>>> in invoke application phase I switch two UIColumn in UIData (first
>>> columns goes last atd.) and I expect that this change will survive save
>>> state/restore state but it is not true. With some help of debugger it
>>> seems that
>>> com.sun.faces.application.view.FaceletViewHandlingStrategy.buildView(FacesContext, UIViewRoot) reverts my component change back.
>>> The process is: first request -> RenderResponse calls VDL.buildView (ok)
>>> -> postback request> Restore View -> Invoke Application (listener
>>> performs component tree manipulation) -> RenderResponse calls
>>> VDL.buildView -> FaceletViewHandlingStrategy.buildView(FacesContext,
>>> UIViewRoot) rebuilds UIData from .xhtml and drops UIColumn's order
>>> change.
>>> FaceletViewHandlingStrategy.buildView contain a intresting if as first
>>> statement:
>>> if (Util.isViewPopulated(ctx, view)) {
>>> return;
>>> }
>>> Isn't for this case view already populated from Restore State phase?
>>> Probably it is and if I add Util.setViewPopulated in
>>> ViewHandlingStrategy.restoreView it fixes my problem.
>> Is there a navigation rule involved here?
>>> This problem is not present with JSP; with facelets only with partial
>>> state saving=false.
>>> Is it a bug?
>>> Regards,
>>> Martin Kočí
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